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New members welcome – Join us

New to bowls

New members are always welcome at Ivanhoe as we continue to expand our club.

Our club membership is open to everyone, regardless of bowling abilities, from beginners to seasoned veterans.

If you’d like to learn more about our club, visit us at the club. We’d be delighted to meet you, or you can contact one of our ‘officials’ directly. If you’re interested in joining, please download the membership form.


If you would like more information about becoming a member at Ivanhoe you can

  • Contact Colin, our Membership Director at
  • Email:
  • Download the Membership Application Form and email, deliver to the club or post to us.

Membership types

At Ivanhoe Bowls Club, we offer five types of membership: Social Bowling, Social Non-Bowling, Full, Indoor Biased, and Junior.

For those new to bowls, the membership fee is $60. Please note that these fees may change annually.


The Full membership is ideal for those who want to participate in Saturday afternoon and midweek competitions, as well as club championship matches. They also have the opportunity to vote at AGMs and Special Meetings. The current Full membership fee is $275, which includes a capitation fee to allow participation in Pennant events.

Social Bowling

The Social Bowling membership is suitable for those who are unsure about participating in Saturday and midweek competitions. It provides access to various club benefits, including participation in social bowls events and tournaments. If you decide to become a ‘Full member’ at a later stage, you can contact the Club Secretary for information on the cost and procedure for an upgrade. The current cost of Social Bowling membership is $160 per year.

Social Non Bowling

The Social Non-Bowling membership is for those who want to be a member of the club but don’t want to play bowls. It also provides access to various club benefits. If you decide to change your membership to a ‘Full member’ at a later stage, you can contact the Club Secretary for information on the cost and procedure for an upgrade. The current cost of Social Non-Bowling membership is $30 per year.


The Junior membership is free, but Bowls Victoria Capitation Fee is required for those Juniors who play Pennant games. Juniors do not have voting rights.

Indoor Biased Bowler

This membership is specifically for people  interested only in playing Indoor Biased bowls.  Cost is $50.

Application/Nomination Form

To become apply for membership of the club click on this link, you will be directed to the Membership Application Form.

We have a process for accepting new members, which you can find out about from our Membership Director. The best way to meet existing members is to simply come to the club, hang out with us, share a beverage, and chat.